How to Speak English Fluently-best way to speak fluent english


Hi Guys, I will tell you that how can you speak english fluently.Many of us always decide to  learn english but after some time or some days they forget to learn english.Yes to speak English properly
first all keep in your mind that it's not so hard to speak english fluently.



  1. Talk to yourself in english:- English is the language as same as our mother tongue language. We all learn our mother tongue language without doing translating and learning grammar.then why should we learn english to speak.Many of us try to translate hindi into english and learn grammar. But to speak english we should start talking to inside yourself  in english. example you are doing your lunch that time you can talk to yourself that what are  things in menu? how is the vegetable? is it tasty? How many chapati i will eat? So ask this type of question to yourself and give the answer to it. This ways when you are traveling somewhere or talking with friends describe everything in english to yourself and try to discover the opportunity to speak english inside in your mind.For some time you will be not aware that you have to speak english inside in your mind. to overcome this problem write reminder on your room wall and in your mobile this will help you out. if you will aware for at least five days then after that everytime you will talk to yourself in english .t  doing practice to speak english make you fluent in english. this is the best way to speak english fluent.                                                                                                                                     
  2. Reading newspaper & magazine:-
    read many news articles
     and magazine as you can read.reading will make your vocabulary power strong and you will learn more new word and sentence.nowdays there are many apps on google play to read news like dailyhunt, times of india , The hindu. i will prefer start with dailyhunt app because it language which you will understand easily. many magazine you can download free from telegram to read                                                      
  3. Watching English movies with subtitle:-
    watching movies in english make you learn more new sentences. when we watch english movies conversation of movies goes to our subconsious mind. Have you ever observed that after watching movie we start think in english. Some people not like to watch hollywood movies in place of that you can listen news or any videos in english. But if you try to watch movies in english after somedays you will absolutely going to like watching english movie. You can even watch english movies with subtitle.                                                                                                                                                    
  4. Listening Podcast in English:-
    Many of you not know meaning of podcast. Podcast is the audio voice. people discuss on  any topic in english that you can listen . You can download podcast app from google playstore and listen to it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  5. Talking in front of mirror:-
    tart speaking in front of mirror related to any topics . Initially  speaking english try to speak for at least five minutes and day by day increase its time.In starting it will look boring but its really help in to talk in public.sometime we get nervous while talking in front of public but by doing mirror practice we can come over from this problem  through it.


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